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System will wait for a visitor connection to launch the application when it's disabled. When enabled, the application will be started automatically as soon as the stream machine is initiated without waiting for any user to connect to the Stream Machine. Enabling this setting may result in missing the initial scenes of the application for the connected user because it's already initiated.
This configuration is disabled as default.
Application will be restarted for each unique visitor when it's enabled.
When disabled, the application and its data won't be reset between visitor sessions and the application will keep running even if a new user connects to the Stream.
Disabling this may lead to session data being shared across sessions, this configuration is enabled as default.
System will collect application logs for debug (logging) enabled Unreal Engine and Unity builds, and make them accessible after each Visitor Session from the Stats page.
When the Auto Collection is enabled, the system will try to auto-detect the log path to collect the application logs. If you set a different application log, you can set a custom path by disabling the Auto Collect toggle as well.